Laughter is good for your health! - Some extra facts:
- Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
- Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
- Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
- Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

If there's one thing I cannot be patient with it's people with bad manners.
Working in retail has really opened my eyes to just how rude people can be. This lack of patience often also applies to our relationships with friends and family and even class or workmates. So how do you remain calm and keep your patience in these situations??
Today I found myself with a particularly impolite and discourteous customer at work - patronising me, talking over me and just plain rude. If this encounter had been outside this work environment I would have drawn on a wide range of "methods" for expressing my "unhappiness", but I was forced to remain calm because of the setting. I decided to use the situation as an opportunity to remain calm and to implement some of our destress strategies.
Step 1. Do not head-butt said customer / person with whom you are losing your patience. Instead count to 10 before responding. Slow and regulate your breathing
Step 2. Come to an agreement/ remove the problem, or remove yourself from the situation. Any excuse will do "excuse me but I must go purchase a large gun now." Alternatively, begin a crazy conversation aloud with yourself and glaze over.
(In my case none of this was not possible as I had a 30min appointment with this woman, hence proceed to next step)
Step 3. Apply method of stress-management (i.e. reasoning with them/ zoning out to your 'happy place') in my case smiling and nodding was added to the latter. I also set myself a goal: to practice patience and turn the situation around, making the customer actually like me by the end of the appointment.
I did not respond to any of her taunts, but simply kept my patience, a soft steady voice and hurried the process as much as I could, focusing the conversation on her (which she loved).
Step 4. With a little patience, slight sucking up, distraction, and being firm and confident, the situation resolved itself! The customer forgot what she was cranky about and left very happy
Step 5. Vent. When someone mistreats you it often stays with you through the day, especially if you must remain in the workplace and continue to attend to more people without distancing yourself from the event. This is when talking it out (or even writing it down) really helps you to process the situation, through getting it off your chest. This very much helped me.
Step 6. Distraction. If you are still feeling stressed or frustrated, do something you enjoy: go for a walk (exercise releases endorphins :D ), put on your favourite dvd, read a book, catch up with friends, bake a cake! In no time you will be feeling better
Think of these experiences as a chance to practice your patience and anti-stress techniques, soon you'll be a pro
For more helpful hints follow this link:
'bluemooncandles' blog

Ive seen a few different movies recently, i find them to be a great way to relax and unwind with friends and family. Maybe its the way that you are able to completely emerge yourself into the storyline and be captured by the characters and the world within the movie. This theory applies especially to 3-D movies, hence their growing popularity. Speaking of 3-D movies, Avatar the movie has been the best movie i've seen in a long time and i cannot wait till the release of the DVD.
Ashtanga yoga
Breath is harmonised with a series of progressive postures to produce intense internal heat, and a purifying sweat that detoxifies organs and muscles.
Seventy-five poses are performed in 1.5-2 hours, starting with the "primary" postures (concentrating on alignment), and working up through a series of "grades" as strength and flexibility builds.
Health and fitness benefits
- Tones the body (think Madonna — she does Ashtanga yoga!)
- Improves circulation
- Realigns the spine
- Calms the mind
- Detoxifies
- Builds strength, stamina and flexibility
More info:
Bikram yoga
A series of 26 postures in a 38°C room! "The sequence of postures is designed to stretch, strengthen and prepare specific muscles, ligaments and joints needed for the next posture," says Bikram yoga instructor and Yoga Tree Melbourne director, Mili Crncevic.
"The method then also stimulates the organs, glands, and nerves, moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100 percent of the body, restoring all systems to a healthy working order. This, combined with a hot room, helps you flush toxins from your body."
Health and fitness benefits
- Promotes weight loss
- Reduces stress
- Increases vitality, energy, relaxation, concentration and mental clarity
- Keeps joints supple
- Increases blood circulation
- Improves immunity (eg, arthritis and thyroid disorders)
- Helps heal injuries
- General sense of wellbeing
More info:
Iyengar yoga
Focuses on correct posture and body awareness. The creator, BKS Iyengar, wanted to make yoga suitable for everyone, regardless of age, health, disability, etc. so he included props, including pillows, mats, bolsters and sticks so everyone could do the poses without strain or injury. Postures are held for varying amounts of time.
Health and fitness benefits
- Mental and emotional wellbeing
- Helps alleviate postural/structural problems
- Stress release
More info:

Did you know that what you eat can affect your stress levels?
Highly processed foods have chemicals that are unnatural to our bodies. Therefore the body takes more energy to process thses foods.
Foods to avoid:
- high sugar content, high salt content, processed
Foods to calm you:
- high in magnesium or calcium eg. milk, yoghurt
- teas such as chamomile and lemon balm
Burning essential oils can also be calming:
- lavender oil
- any blend labelled "meditation oil" or "calming"
more ideas can be found here:
'stressless' blog

One method to help this problem is MEDITATION, this allows you to focus on a single objects (mental/physical depending on type of meditation). By focusing on that object you disallow any other thoughts to enter your mind, thereby allowing you to rest.
Here's a quick crash course for beginners:
1. Find a quiet spot - no distractions
2. Sit in a comfortable position that you will be able to maintain for at least 10 minutes
3. Get comfortable - no shoes/tight clothing
4. Your senses should be able to rest i.e. no loud noises/strong smells/visuals
5. Close your eyes
6. Breathe normally and naturally - observe the breath (for 10 breaths)
7. Observe the pause between inhalation and exhalation (for 10 breaths)
8. Imagine your breathing - imagine breathing in from the bottom of yor feet and out through the top of your head - then reverse for breathing out (for 10 breaths)
9. Slowly bring your breathing back to normal
10. Open your eyes - end
Your first session should last no longer than 10 minutes. Subsequent sessions can be lengthened as long as you still feel comfortable and relaxed.
For more ideas visit this blog:
'meditationiseasy' blog
Colour Scheme:

A simple layout was chosen for our blog. It is clear and easy to navigate. Given that our target audience are trying to De-stress their lives, a simple layout seemed most appropriate.

Please think of this space as a little refuge from the everyday; a sanctuary for finding serenity in amongst all the hustle and bustle of your busy life.
De-stress step 1; take a step back, a deep breath in and out, and await the calming advice and strategies we will be sharing to help you calm your life!